
A Day of Nothing

Today is Deepavali (or Divali) Day in Malaysia, a major festival for the Indian community. The victory of light over darkness, and is usually symbolised with lighted lamps (if I recall, they are known as diyas or kandis). At the stroke of midnight today, I heard all the firecracker and firework noises from around my neighbourhood.

Work has been tiresome and unpleasant quite a number of times these few weeks. All the life and light I had from my holiday in Oz seems so far away now. I have finally opened my bottle of Johnnie Walker Black this week to get some alcohol into my system. More and more, it seems that I am put in situations to become a lone ranger at work. While sipping the whisky I asked myself "where are you now?" (just like James Blunt's 'Wisemen' song exclaims).

Good ol' Johnnie Walker

Today all I wanted to do was laze around, enjoy the cool and light rainy weather, each chocolate, play some music, call up my Indian friends to wish them well and catch up with them... and that's exactly what I did. Sometimes you just need some space and time to do... nothing. Just do nothing at all. No personal errands, no DIY project, no games. And doing nothing in itself can be incredibly satisfying.

There'll be another challenging day tomorrow. There will be another set of standards to hit, deliverables to package, problems to tackle, people to appease etc etc.

All I want to say is Happy Deepavali everyone, and remember that in this hectic world and maddening pace, it pays to take time to do nothing!

1 comment:

SnowWolf said...

Share the joy with me! hahaha. My best friends; Gordon, Johnny and Jim! :p

Observations of an Incredible Person! Positive self talk is half the battle!