Tracy Turnblad (Nikki Blonsky) ensuring that the hair spray industry never need worry about hitting next quarter's sales targets
Towards the ending, the music sounded too similar. But it has quite a few catchy tunes. The opening one of 'Good Morning Baltimore', and 'I can hear the bells' I can't get out of my head. John Travolta was okay... I don't know why they couldn't get a real female actress for the part though. You tend to laugh much more at his character simply because you know it is a guy. Michelle Pfeiffer was quite a letdown. There was just no punch or sizzle to her portrayal of the villain.
The show does highlight issues of negro and white segregation. The terms 'chocolate' and 'vanilla' are used extensively throughout the show to describe negros and whites. Whites are partrayed as less than angelic, negros as underdogs. A plus sized body being a disadvantageous is also discussed, albeit in a thoroughly slapstick fashion. Because it is parodied so much, this particular message is kind of lost.
Of course everyone wants freedom to do and be what they wish, and still gain acceptance from family, peers and society in doing so. And it is entirely understandable to be suspicious, even antoagonistic towards the new and unfamiliar. And it would be great to have foresight as to whether a change is for the better, and also, pehaps just as important, whether it'll be accepted well enough.
I think about my own country of different skin colours, the varied tongues and cultures. We school together, eat together, salute the same national anthem together. Camraderie like Tracy and company is still an exception rather than the norm. Our differences are too old and familiar to be called as such anymore. I ponder at my own relationships and those that I've witnessed. Why are we not more integrated in inter-race relationships? It is a beautiful thing that Tracy and company have. We could do with more beauty in this oft bleak world.Maybe I will come to a better answer after more bowls of cereal...
Does Koko Krunch Duo (choc and white choc) has the answer I seek?
Hey look up for that moving van,
Driving down the steet,
You better lock up your man,
Before he meets...
Welcome to the "6" to the "0" to the approstrophy s!
I think that this has been one of the best musical-turned-to-silver screen movies. Kudos Nikki Blonsky, John T and Queen Latifah!
Hope the musical will be hitting our shores real soon.
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